• A mystery shopper is an investigator sent by a company or a specialized service provider to measure the actual quality of service (Welcome, delivery of service, Availability of P.O.S material) and the actual behavior of individuals in direct contact with customers.
  • The role of the mystery shopper is to pretend to be like an actual customer, to make a purchase or request information about a product and to make observations, to reflect the most accurate way possible the company has sent us.
  • We enact an actual scenario (in most cases this is pre-determined), do our mystery shopping and give the results / impressions a structured questionnaire.
  • Our Shoppers pass a rigorous training program regardless of their experience on the issues:

-The expectations in field / locations to visit and on field procedures

-The Methods of fieldwork and proper understanding of the questionnaire to fill,

-The Observation techniques including how to play the role like an actual customer.


Our Shoppers are equipped with GPS & can therefore provide the GPS coordinates of each site to visit.